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Detail information about Rabindra Sangeet. All the lyrics, notations, background history with detail musical compositions, English translation and many more.
Song of Rabindranath Tagore
This page contains lyric of Tagore song sokhi lo sokhi lo and its transliteration in English with background history. Background of the song includes the place and date of the song written by Rabindranath, name of the newspaper or magazine the song was first published in and the name of the person who had prepared the notation or swaralipi. This page also contains the musical composition of song like parjaay, taal, raag and ango.
The other related elements of this song like translation in English and Hindi, notation in Bengali (swaralipi), staff notation (western) which are available in other pages, please find the related links below. We have also provided the pdf's of lyric, notation and staff notation with midi with downloadable links so that people may find it easier to get the song and notations in printed format.
Parjaay: Bhanu Singher Padabali (4)
Raag: Desh
Written on: 1880
Published in: Bharati
Collection: Bhanu Singha Thakurer Padabali
Swarabitan: Notation not available
All related links of this song
Download or print this lyricSakhi lo, sakhi lo, nikarun madhaba Mathurapur jaba jaay Karla bisham pan maaninee raadha, Royabe na so, na dibe baadha - Kathin-hiya soi haasayi haasayi Shyamoka karbo bidai. Mridu mridu gamone aaol maadha, Bayonapaan tachhu chaahal raadha, Chaahayi rahala sa chaahyi rahala, Danda danda, sakhi, chaahayi rahala, Manda manda, sakhi, nayane bahala Bindu bindu jaladhaar. Mridu mridu haase baithala pashe, Kahala shyam kato mridu madhu bhaashe. Tutyi gaila pan, tutilo maan, Gadagada aakulabyakulapraan, Phukarayi uchhasayi kandala raadhaa, Gadagada bhaab nikaashal aadha, Shyamaka charone bahu pasari, Kahol, shyam re, shyam hamari, Raho tnuhu, raho tnuhu, bnadhu go raho tnuhu, Anukhana saath saath re raha pnuhu - Tnuhu bine maadhaba, ballabha, bandhaba, Aachay kon hamar! Parla bhumi’para shyamacharona dhari, Rakhla mukh tachhu shyamacharana’pari, Uchasi uchasi kato kandayi kandayi Rajani karla prabhat. Maadhaba baisala, mridu madhu haasla, Kato ashwasbachan mitth bhaasla, Dharila baalik haat. Sakhi lo, sakhi lo, bol ta sakhi lo, Jato dukh paawala raadha, Nitthur shyam kiye aapan maname Paawal tachhu kachhu aadha? Haasawi haasawi nikate aasawi Bahut sa prabodh del, Haaswai haasawi paltawi chaahawi Dur dur chali gel. Ab so mathurapurak panthame Inha jab royat raadha, Marme ki laaglo tilbhar bedana, Charone ki tilbhar baadha. Barkhi aankhijala bhaanu kahe - ati Dukher jibana bhaai. Haasibar tar sanga mile bahu, Kaandibar ko nai.
Get detail information about the song i.e. musical composition, background history, notation, translation and staff notation with downloadable options. Visit the following links.