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Song of Rabindranath Tagore
This page contains lyric of Tagore song jibon jakhon shukaye jay and its transliteration in English with background history. Background of the song includes the place and date of the song written by Rabindranath, name of the newspaper or magazine the song was first published in and the name of the person who had prepared the notation or swaralipi. This page also contains the musical composition of song like parjaay, taal, raag and ango.
The other related elements of this song like translation in English and Hindi, notation in Bengali (swaralipi), staff notation (western) which are available in other pages, please find the related links below. We have also provided the pdf's of lyric, notation and staff notation with midi with downloadable links so that people may find it easier to get the song and notations in printed format.
Parjaay: Puja (95)
Upa-parjaay: Prarthana
Taal: Ektaal
Raag: Desh
Written on: 1910 (28 Chaitra 1316)
Collection: Geetanjali
Swarabitan: 38
Notation by: Surendranath Bandopadhyay
Notes: This song was written on 11th April 1910 at Shantiniketan.
Rabindranath was presiding over the celebration of Maghotsava on 11th Magh 1318B at Jorasanko. Sita Debi, eldest daughter of Ramananda Chattopadhyay, has done a bit of briefing on this account in her memoir 'Punyasmriti' -
... The place for prayer as well as the stage for songs was in front of the ladies enclosure. Quite a few musical instruments had arrived. Solemn Puja offering bells started ringing mellifluously. Rabindranath struggled to manage a place there ... Rabindranath had to deliver the opening speech, after which he sang two lines to finish. In the following program songs sung did not make any impression although produced by eminent artists. Rabindranath tried his best to rectify their tune and rhythm but without yielding any result. Then he started singing himself. I heard the song 'Jibano jakhon shukaye jaay ...' for the first time.
Mahatma Gandhi had started ‘Fast unto death’ as a protest to the partisan rule by the British on 20th September, 1932. Anxious Rabindranath had gone to Puna in order to see him. An agreement was reached with the British Prime Minister Ramsey McDonald and the fast was broken. On 26th September the Mahatma had a desire to listen to this song at 4PM. In ‘Gaayak Rabindranath’ by Partha Basu had quoted Rabindranath’s words –
… The fasting was broken. … Mahadev [Desai] urged that the song ‘Jibon jakhon shukaye jay…’ from the Geetanjali was one of the favourite songs of the Mahatma. I could not remember the tune. I had to manage with a provisional one. …
There are more such instances where Rabindranath had to compose a new melody for a song on the spot. Such a song is – ‘Dukho e noy, sukh nohe go …’.
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Jibon jakhon shukaye jaay Korunadhaaray eso. Sakol maadhuri lukaye jaay, Gitoshudharase eso. Karmo jakhon probalo-aakar Garoji utthiya dhaake chaaridhar, Hridayopraante hey jibanonaath, Shaanto charone eso. Aaponare jabe koriya kripon Kone pore thaake dinohino mon, Duyar khuliya hey udaar naath, Raajosamarohe eso. Baasona jakhon bipulo dhulay Andho koriya abodhe bhulay Ohey pobitro ohey anidro Rudro aaloke eso.
Get detail information about the song i.e. musical composition, background history, notation, translation and staff notation with downloadable options. Visit the following links.