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রবীন্দ্র সঙ্গীতের সব কিছু (since 2008)

he nuton dekha dik
Lyric & History

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Lyric and background history of song he nuton dekha dik

Song of Rabindranath Tagore

This page contains lyric of Tagore song he nuton dekha dik and its transliteration in English with background history. Background of the song includes the place and date of the song written by Rabindranath, name of the newspaper or magazine the song was first published in and the name of the person who had prepared the notation or swaralipi. This page also contains the musical composition of song like parjaay, taal, raag and ango.

The other related elements of this song like translation in English and Hindi, notation in Bengali (swaralipi), staff notation (western) which are available in other pages, please find the related links below. We have also provided the pdf's of lyric, notation and staff notation with midi with downloadable links so that people may find it easier to get the song and notations in printed format.

Parjaay: Anushthanik Sangeet (17)

Taal: Kaharwa

Raag: Bhairavi

Written on: 1941 (23 Boishakh 1348)

Place: Shantiniketan, Udayan

Swarabitan: 55

Notation by: Shantideb Ghosh

Notes: This song was written on 8th May 1922 (25th Boishakh, 1329B) and the tune was composed on 6th May, 1941.

The first song that he had composed for his own birthday forty-two years back on 1306B, when he was thirty-eight years old, was – 'Bhoy Hote Tabo Abhoy-maajhe Nutano Janomo Daao Hey ...'. For the same purpose he had created his last song, three months prior to his death. He had written a poem 'Pnochishe Boishakh' for the collection 'Purabi' at the age of sixty-two on 8th May, 1922. The last stanza of this long poem was altered to recreate this song. Shantidev Ghosh in his book – 'Rabindra-sangeet' has written –

... I had returned to Shantiniketan and went to see Gurudev when he asked me about the planning for the 25th Boishakh. His intentions were clear from his words that he wanted to see a program for song and dance to be arranged. ...

I asked him on the next morning – 'You have written poems, delivered speech for your birthday, but not a new song. I don't this it's fair. The whole country would be celebrating your birthday – it would not be a complete one without a song being composed for the special day.'

He replied –'What an amazing request! You mean to say that I would compose a song for my own birthday – what people would say! My countrymen are not all fools, they would surely say that I am promoting myself. You better go and approach the famous poets around, get the song written by them.' He started naming them one by one.

When he saw me laughing he tried to put up an argument –'Do you think they are unable to create poems?'

I replied softle – 'What is the use of approaching others when you can do the same. When you have written poems for your birthday did anybody ask you for a reason?'

He agreed and wanted me to bring all the poems from the office he had written for his birthdays. He had selected the portion 'Hey nutan dekha dik aarbar ...' from the poem 'Pnochishe Boishakh' and with a little alteration in the lyric he composed atune for it. It was 23rd Boishakh. On the next day he listened to it once again from me and expressed satisfaction – 'Yes now it is done.'

Not by any means I could have imagined that this song would be the last one. ...

Lyric in Bengali

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Tagore song he nuton dekha dik
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Transliteration in English

Hey nutan,
Dekha dik aar-baar janmero prothamo shubhokhan.
Tomar prokash hok kuhelika kori udghatan
Surjero moton.
Riktatar bokkho bhedi aapanare karo unmochan.
Byakto hok jibaner joy,
Byakto hok tomaamaajhe asimero chirobismoy.
Udayodigante shankho baaje,   mor chittomaajhe
Chironutanere dilo daak
Pnochishe boishakh.

More about this song he nuton dekha dik

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